The campaign Sincerely, Food is part of the project Global learning approach to food waste in non-formal education (2017-2020), which is partly supported by the European Commission and implemented in Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Romania. The project aims to fill the gap of awareness concerning food waste; increase knowledge on how food waste is globally related to climate change; raise awareness on interdependencies between developing and developed countries regarding food production and consumption; and promote food waste avoidance skills in households. Some 122 trainings in working places, multipliers skill-building workshops and 110 events featuring Food Labs will take place in 6 countries during the period of project implementation.
The project is part of the programme of the European Commission DEAR – Development Education and Awareness Raising. DEAR supports projects that engage the European Union public in worldwide issues of social, economic and environmental development.
Vast amounts of food produced for human consumption are wasted due to decisions taken by consumers. Households are responsible for the largest amount of food waste in food chain in European countries.
It is thus in the hands of household members to reverse the situation.
Yet people need positive encouragement if they are to take action. Therefore, awareness-raising among the population is key towards a minimization of food waste.
This project is aimed at promoting environmentally and socially responsible decision making in everything we do, and in practices involving food in particular.
The present project will employ the Global Learning Approach in its awareness raising activities. Global learning intends to enable people to understand the links between their own lives and those of people throughout the world, such as the impact of food waste on the food security situation in the developing countries (see “More Happy People”).
What has inspired and motivated us to initiate this campaign is our firm belief that consumers, people like us/you, can change their habits and share their experience with others, inspiring them in turn.
This project is being implemented in
Our objective is to make it easier for householders/consumers to buy the right amount of food and to use it up effectively, thereby enabling them to prevent and reduce food waste. It includes:
The final beneficiaries of improved food waste management include people in developing countries.
Research and analysis:
Public events: